JIB Crafts: From blogger to AUTHOR....of THREE BOOKS


 Hey people of my "blogiverse"!

Trust you all are doing great?

It has been SIX months away from you, my darling readers and supporters. I truly apologize but a lot has been going on and your girl's blog has not been blogging o. 

You read right, guys! I also can not believe that I authored not one, not two BUT THREE whole books.

Amazing right?

It was a beautiful journey of sleepless nights, self doubts, worry and many more negative emotions that did not overwhelm me because despite how I did not think it was possible, I have exceeded my own expectations.

Again, here is a motivation for you to keep holding on to God, believe what He told you and go get IT!

Your dreams are worth pursuing, your life is worth living and you can be much more than you thought was possible. 

First book I wrote is titled "More Than Enough...what God can do with what is left". I know, I know! The title is a mouthful but there is a message in there for you and I hope when you click on the link to get it, you become a better, focused, determined and solid individual that I always believed you to be. 

This book will transform your life and bring you firmly into your identity in Christ. It is available for purchase on OkadaBooks and Amazon Kindle. Grab your copies now. 

As most of you already know, I am an engineer who works in communication engineering and specializes in cable network, switching and integration. Having taught this basic principles to students, corp members, colleagues and been part of a team who formulated a manual using the knowledge gained over the years, I decide to do an introductory compilation on the basics cabling and Private Automatic Branch Exchange (PABx). I hope you find it helpful and insightful as well. 

This amazing book is available on Amazon Kindle for your reading pleasure and to refer to as you begin your journey in cable networks and communication engineering as a whole

Finally, I have sat on this book for a very long time because I was nervous about the strength of my fictional powers. However, I decided to go ahead and publish it because it is a work that will entertain you and cause you to spend a few hours in the FICTIONAL world of Joan and Pete. This love story is unbelievable sweet and will cause you to 'awwwnnn' and "God when" a few times.

Ladies and gentlemen, my book....LOVE and LIES

It is also available on Amazon Kindle for your delightful pleasure. 

These books are my contribution to literacy and I would like you to support me by purchasing at least one of them. 

Thank you for riding with me over the years. I will do my best to post here more regularly with updates on what I am doing and places I am visiting. 

See you soon!

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