DailyPills; I'm Blessed by Y'Anna


Anchor Song: I’m Blessed 
Artist: Y’Anna 
So have you found your purpose yet? *Hope you are not looking for it via Google though, lol* Anyways, I’d like to remind you today, that while there is a Purpose for your life, there is also a purpose for every stage you pass through in life and if you can get the purpose for each of those stages right, at the end of the day, you will find that you have discovered your ultimate purpose. 
I believe you want to live a blessed life, and every evidence I have seen in the Bible actually indicates that living a blessed life is a legitimate desire. However, I think there is a missing link between this desire of ours and God’s design. While listening to Dr. Bill Winston, He said; some of you are waiting to get blessed by your jobs, not knowing that you are the blessing in that office. This statement struck a cord and when I checked my Bible, I found Genesis 12:2 - I will make you a great nation, I will bless you. I will make your name great, and YOU WILL BE A BLESSING[God’s Word]. Think about it, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, all these people were blessings to there environment, the economy boomed just because they were there. So, what about you, what makes you think you can have the same level of influence today? Imagine walking into your office on a daily basis conscious that you the X-factor, conscious first, that you have an assignment from God to be a blessing there on His behalf so that His name can be glorified. I’m not talking about an over load of pride or ego here, I'm talking about an hunger to solve problems, meet needs, creating value like your life depended on it. 
As Rev. Sam Adeyemi would always say, if wealth is more than a wish but a desire to you, then you better adopt value creation/problem solving as a lifestyle. 
God Bless You! 
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