DailyPills: Through Smoke by NeedToBreathe


Anchor Song: Through Smoke
Artist: NeedToBreathe
URL: http://tinyurl.com/hutd6bb
“It doesn’t matter what is standing in front of you, what matters is what you can see in it”, that was the first sentence that broke the ice for me yesterday, and as simple as it might appear I think you should really ponder on it. Sometimes, I just wonder what those people who discovered the value in most of the natural resources to that point. I mean, how did they even know those things were useful? Each time I engage this thought, I thing that gets re-emphasized in me is that success belongs to the man with the most powerful mind.
When David stood before Goliath, the major reason he could call Goliath’s bluff and eventually put him in his place was because he had already seen the possibilities of that happening in his mind, based on an understanding of the kind of assurance he knew God had given His people. So can I just ask you this morning, what can you see from where you are standing this morning?
The difference between success and failure can be the pocket of opportunity you can see in the midst of a challenging situation, and if there is one thing I have learnt, it is the fact that every challenging situation, no matter how challenging it might be, has that pocket of opportunity. David didn’t have to do any extra-ordinary move to kill Goliath, he just saw the only open spot in Goliath’s well kitted armour. Goliath probably never needed to cover that spot because all of his previous challengers came for a sword fight, so he probably was lax. Daniel 2:47 says - Then the king said to Daniel, "Truly I know your God is the greatest of all gods, the Lord of all the kings. He tells people about things they cannot know. I know this is true, because you were able to tell these secret things to me”[NCV]. God gave you the Holy Spirit so that people can say this same thing that was said about Daniel about you. God is waiting to show you the victory in every of your challenges, all He needs is your cooperation. God Bless You!
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