Business Corner: VISION BOARDS 2



Last week, we did an introduction of vision boards. (click here if you missed it) Today, we'll be focusing on creating vision boards that work. A vision board works with the principles of the law of
attraction; what you desire most comes to you. As a business owner or partner, it will be wise to consider creating a business vision board as a project of sorts. Not only entrepreneurs can have visions boards, students, professionals, families, relationships also have vision boards; it foster unity in purpose if people work towards a goal they set and can measure their progress as they go on.


Types of Vision Boards
So that you do not get inhibited by any barriers, including what format or path your vision board should be channeled towards. Here are four types of vision boards to guide in your vision board project, they are:
1. The Crystal Clear Vision Board: This type speaks out "I know what I want". It is created when you're clear on what you want for your future (business or personal). Exact images and word sets that represent your vision are used for its creation.
2. The Influx Vision Board: This type communicates what you want in less specific terms. It is created when you're unsure about what you want or should be doing. 
3. The Theme Vision Board: This is created when experiencing a significant event that spells out a new cycle or if you're working on a particular area of your personal or business life. It is usually created in much smaller spaces when compared to the other types.
4. The Unspecified Vision Board: This is designed to include several areas of your life at a time e.g. health, faith, relationship, business, finances, career, etc.


So don't say this doesn't work well for Mr A, because the types of vision boards tells of the different options for Mr A, B, C and D.
Next up is how to get this vision board started, where do you begin, what should go up first and what should not. Below are steps to creating a vision board that works, they include: 
1. Examine desires from previous years that are yet to be manifested and determine what else you desire.
2. Put together magazines and pictures. Cut out images and words that you're drawn to buy for into the categories you've decided to focus on and should feel in alignment with your goals. For a digital vision board, these images can be saved from pages on the internet.
3. Arrange the images and words on the board in various ways or until you're comfortable with the layout.


4. Glue or tape the images to the board. Digital boards can be created using any collage app (Photo Grid, Pic Mix, Insta square, etc). Ensure you save after arranging the images as desired.
5. Keep your vision board in a visible location. Digital boards can be made as wallpapers for your personal computer or smartphones.
6. Spend time daily to visualize, affirm, believe and internalize your goals. It insures an imprint of the thoughts and images on your subconscious. 
7. Evaluate accomplishments at the end of the year and be grateful for achieved goals.

Make 2016 your best year yet. Spread the word... it's a #Deliberate2016.

Article by: Osato Omwanghe
Telephone: +2348130910375


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