Business Corner: VISION BOARDS 1


Vision Boards

January is finally over!!!
At the end of 2015 or the beginning of 2016, it's sort of customary for people to come up with goals to be achieved in the new year. These goals range from new habits to places we want to go, assets (and liabilities) we hope to
acquire, things we want to do, etc. 
Goals are beautiful, achieving them boosts our self-confidence and gives the amazing feeling of a success. But as the year progresses, these goals are downplayed and before you know it, it's July ending, Black Friday is here, yuletide and end of year celebrations take place and 2016 is over...
You're back to writing out a new set of goals, 60% of which are previously written goals created at the start of 2016.
Writing goals is not enough, we are visual beings; so take a step further and create a vision board.

What's a vision board?
A vision board is a graphical representation of what you want to have, what you want to be or what you want to do in your life.

Vision Boards

Why a vision board?
Purposes of using Vision boards include helping you to:
1. Identify your vision and give it clarity: It's not enough to wish or mention or think about what it is you want. Clarification of your vision is essential. It's not enough to say "I want to have a better future"; visually defining it is more effective. With pictures you can be specific about the better future you want.
2. Energise your daily affirmations: We have our favourite inspiring statements created by inspirational people or ourselves. These quotes or statements are said somewhat on a regular basis but in the course of racing through our daily activities, there's the tendency to forget the existence of these statements. Visualizing your affirmations ensure they're glued to your subconscious.
3. Be focused: A vision board constantly reminds you of your goals . This results in tailoring everything you do towards achieving your set goals and steering your life in your chosen direction.
Next week we'll be taking a step further on how to make vision boards that work. Spread the word... It's a #Deliberate2016

Article by: Osato Omwanghe
Telephone: +2348130910375

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