
#DazzalSeries 02 - Adjusting Faith


#DazzalSeries 02 - Adjusting Fatih
As we go through life, it takes extra effort to not begin to adjust one’s expectations.
Some of us tend to begin to feel as though, maybe we are asking or praying for too much. So we begin to reduce this and remove that from our hopes and dreams in order to accommodate what we
feel is reasonable enough to hope for.

But that’s not faith

Faith is not reasonable or logical or makes sense to mere mortals.

Faith is knowing that I have exactly what I have asked God for before I even see it in reality. The exact beautiful hopes and aspirations I asked for before common sense and logic and technical ‘know hows’ set in.

On days when I doubt or begin to get in my feelings, I remember the question a lady asked me a while ago. After I had told her that I was beginning to question if God heard my prayers because, at the time, there were no answers. She asked a profound question. 

JBums: But why won’t God give you anything and everything you have asked for?

Your answer is definitely gonna be as concise and accurate as mine, I bet.

Me: *blank look*

I still don’t have any answer for that question till this date, especially because if God could so graciously give us His Son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross for all our sins, how then won’t He also graciously give us all things too? - Romans 8:32

I did find a bible verse which says we do not receive answers to our prayers because we have prayed amiss…in order to fulfil our lustful desire. But I believe that scripture is not about what we ask for as much as it is about how we ask.

For example, in Ilupeju, there is a road known as “Coker Road” while there is another “Coker Street” in Olateju. If I say to someone in Olateju area, “Please tell me how to get to Coker”; they are definitely gonna describe the one in that area to me without thinking to ask whether I meant the Coker in that area or elsewhere. This scenario happens a lot especially on JAMB exam days.

So asking amiss could be as simple as that; asking for the right address in the wrong area.
Do you want to get married for the ‘gram? Want a neat job so as to appear fly? Or more money just so you can pepper them?

Irrespective of what we ask for or how long it seems the answers are taking to manifest, do not think for a second that you need to settle by reducing what you think may be possible.
Do not insult my God in such a manner!


Do not get to thinking you can only get half when you have asked Him for a dozen.


Why won’t He do exactly all that I have asked for according to His will and purpose for my life?

I would like to share something that has been proven over and again in my life and that of my family….and that is…



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