
JIB Inspiration: A big deal too?!


Big Deal
A while ago, I found the picture below on BBM; my friend Isoken used it as her display picture. I saved it and couldn't stop pondering on the message that picture portrays. How most of us go through our lives not realizing that we are actually awesome, amazing, and a very big deal!
At a certain point in life, you realize that maybe, just maybe, you are worth as much or even much more than you've always thought.
You deserve as much as you aspire to achieve, there is nothing that is too big for you to accomplish because you are also a big deal.

And God blessed them and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the surface of the earth
- Gen 1:28

First, know that God has placed you on earth with a huge responsibility. To be fruitful, to bring increase, take charge and dominate all creatures over the surface of the earth is not a mandate for a 'nobody', God placed it on you because He knows you are a kind of big deal. He expect excellence from us, because as He is so are we in this world.
God is awesome and all shades of amazing, and being like He is definitely means I am kind of a big deal.

Also, Christ died for you! It is written in the Scriptures, "No greater love hath a man for his friends, than to lay his life for them". If you were not a big deal, Jesus Christ wouldn't have died for you too. You're His friend, joint heirs to the Kingdom of God... That's a big deal, so you are kind of a big deal.

Have you heard a group of women discuss their child bearing experiences? The fear of God would take hold of your heart, if you have. Listening to the discomfort of pregnancy, pain and agony of labour, the swear and blood of delivery?
Who goes through that to deliver just any child?
A mother's body pushes her child out into the world, but it is a 'big deal' that takes the giant breath of life and screams "HOLLA!" at the world.
You are not just anybody, you are a kind of a big deal.

Do not allow anyone tell you that you can not achieve a feat because it is too big. 
You can achieve anything, no matter how big, because you are kind of big deal.
More often than not, it is the ones who care about us, in their bid to protect us, who also limit us. "Are you sure you can?"
"It's stressful o"
"You have always been a shy person, why try to change it now?"
All sorts of reasons that are only valid for those who are comfortable in their comfort zone, but you are not one of those... Because you are kind of a big deal

Even if you hit the ground hard, time and again. Don't quit, you just can't stop trying.
Pick yourself up, keep facing front and maintain your 'big deal' status.

*To 'Face Front' - Means to remain focused, to keep one's eyes on the gold, to not be swayed from one's ultimate goal by unnecessary distractions.

So my sugar bunnies, for every time you get frustrated, depressed or just plain tired of all the hassles and struggles of life, just say to yourself;

" Ordinary people have ordinary experiences
While extraordinary people have extraordinary experiences.
I am at this phase of my life, not because God hates me
But because I am kind of a BIG DEAL"


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