
DailyPills: You Are God by Sanctus Real


Anchor Song: You Are God
Artist: Sanctus Real
URL: http://tinyurl.com/zohtoe9

What do you do after you indulge yourself in an unnecessary spending spree? I don't know about you, but for me, there's always this once in a while spending indulgence, where I just spend without concerns. It could be giving myself a treat, hanging out with the guys, chilling with that lady, or just giving someone special a deserving gift.

However, after such an escapade, I usually place myself on a budget cut until I feel I've recovered. During this recovery period, I only spend on what's necessary, I cut down on everything so much that on a particular day, it occurred to me that I also cut down on my offering and I had to ask myself, is that last budget cut really wise?

Just think about it, you over spend for the boys or girl(s), you then decide on cut down on what you give to God, what does that say about your attitude to God? It's easy to say God is our source and sustainer, but its another thing to live it out.

Proverbs 3:9 says - Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first and best part of all your income[GW].

Let me quickly vehemently emphasize that God's love for you is not dependent on what you give to Him. Either you don't give at all, you give little or you give big, God still loves you. However, if what you spend enjoying yourself affects what you give to God, then what does that say about your love for God? God Bless You!

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