DailyPills: It's Not Over by Israel And New Breed


Anchor Song: It's Not Over
Artist: Israel & New Breed
URL: http://tinyurl.com/jzy2law

Are you one of those who can't wait for this year to be over because you think there's nothing more that can happen? Now lemme ask you this question, how many hours do you think it took for Joseph's life to be completely changed?

Just in case you are one of those  people who have mentally logged out of this year already. You might be thinking, if I could only accomplish 5% of my expectations from the beginning of the year till now, why then should I expect anything dramatic to happen at this point in the year?

However, let's just assume that Joseph's turn around happen at the end of the year, can you just imagine how drastically different that end of the year would have been for Joseph as compared to the rest of the year?

Ecclesiastes 7:8 - Endings are better than beginnings. Sticking to it is better than standing out[MSG].

Therefore, if you have logged out of this year before now, it's time to log in again. The number of days left is more than enough to make a memory that will last a lifetime. This is the best part of the year and God is not done with you yet. God Bless You!

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