Hearts and Crafts: DailyPills: Better by Tye Tribbett

DailyPills: Better by Tye Tribbett


Anchor Song: Better
Artist: Tye Tribbett
URL: http://tinyurl.com/gna8cs6

Won't it be nice if life could be a bundle of ups without downs, if everything could always fall into place and our lives moving fast on the pathway to fulfillment? However, we all know it doesn't always happen that way. I believe there is no adult alive who doesn't have at least one low point. So, when these moments come, how do we deal with them as Children of God?

2 Corinthians 4:11 says - While we are alive, we are constantly handed over to death for Jesus’ sake so that the life of Jesus is also shown in our mortal nature[NCV].

Whenever you go through a bad situation, God is not caught off guard, and like He did with Jesus, He has ways of making sure what comes out from such situation becomes a testimony.

That verse above says that every death experience we have is supposed to help the life of God within us manifest itself. This means that if we avoid this death experiences, we are also avoiding the manifestation of God's supernatural power in our lives.

A woman who says she never wants to go through the pains of labour is also saying she doesn't want to have a child of her own. Hence, it's time to look at our failures and setbacks differently. Every failure or setback you have had is a mind blowing testimony waiting to happen, if only you'd let God lead the way. God Bless You!

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