
DailyPills: Your Love Wins by Marvin Sapp


Anchor Song: Your Love Wins
Artist: Marvin Sapp
URL: http://tinyurl.com/zoxaf5j

When you say to someone who has wronged you, "may the Lord judge you", what exactly do you mean? What do you expect to happen to the person that would be classified as the judgement of God on that person for the wrong they have done to you?

If your intention when you ask God to judge a situation is for something bad to happen to that person that would put him/her in a terrible position, ask yourself, would God be happy with that intention?

One of the things by teacher has taught me, is the fact that there is a difference between the way man judges and the way God judges. Man's judgement most times seeks to repay evil for evil, while God's judgment seeks to bring greatness out of evil.

What is the point if something bad happens to the person if it doesn't change the effect of the wrong that was done to you? What would Joseph have gained from the downfall of his brothers due to the wrong they did to him, if he never left the prison?

Romans 12:14 - Wish good for those who harm you; wish them well and do not curse them[NCV].

Therefore, God's judgement makes the evil intentions of people work out something for you, like the case of Joseph and his brothers, but you hinder the process when you try to pay evil for evil. Love always wins. God Bless You!

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