
DailyPills: Tell The World by Lecrae


Anchor Song: Tell The World
Artist: Lecrae
URL: http://tinyurl.com/zurh9wm

Let me tell you something that might surprise you, would you believe that one of the things that creeps me out the most is the thought of being a pastor? *Covers face* Even just thinking about it creeps me out. You know there are people that have known from an early age that they would some day become a Pastor, well, I have never been one of such people.

I'm sure there would be at least one person out there wondering, if you have never thought or wanted to become a pastor, then why do you keep sending out these messages every day? The answer is found in 1 Peter 2:9 - But you are a chosen people, royal priests, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession. You were chosen to tell about the wonderful acts of God, who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light[NCV].

You see, Peter wasn't talking to just pastors or his fellow apostle when he made that statement, he was talking to believers like you and I. We all like to affirm that we are a chosen generation, God's royal priesthood, but that verse added that the purpose of all that is to tell others about God's wonderful acts.

Therefore, like I said earlier, "I'm still not a pastor", I'm actually looking forward to being a world renowned business man, but until that plan fully manifests, I'd keep telling as much people as I can about the wonderful acts of God. I just did what I can in the little way I know to make my Lord Jesus known, are you doing what you can? God Bless You!

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