
DailyPills: Revolution by Kirk Franklin


Anchor Song: Revolution
Artist: Kirk Franklin
URL: http://tinyurl.com/hsmghpu

In the spirit of throwbacks, I decided to throw it all the way back to this song. At some point, this was one of the most radical songs in the Gospel music industry, it was out of the box, indeed, it was a revolution.

Jesus took Peter James and John up to the mountain one day and while they were there, Jesus was transfigured before them, then they saw Moses and Elijah appear, talking with Jesus. Peter look at the whole experience then said to Jesus, .Mathew 17:4 - Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good that we are here. If you want, I will put up three tents here—one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah"[NCV], but if they had stayed there, it means Jesus would not have gone to the cross, which means He won't have died for you and I, and even Peter himself would never have experienced the day of Pentecost.

If Peter had somehow missed the day of Pentecost, all Peter would have had is a memory of transfiguration to live with, but with Pentecost, he had a never ending experience.

No matter how glorious your past experiences might have been, there is something even more glorious ahead of you, because it is God that promised that you and I will always go from one level of glory to another. Hence, even when you throwback to amazing experiences in the past, always remember that your best days are yet to come. God Bless You!

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