
DailyPills: Just To Know Him by Charles Jenkins


Anchor Song: Just To Know Him
Artist: Charles Jenkins
URL: http://tinyurl.com/jqnohyd

The fact that your name can be found in the Bible doesn't mean that your name is in the book of life, you need to know Jesus for yourself  to have access.

Just think about it, even if you change your name to "Ekundayo Obama", do you think that change of name automatically grants you access to the American white house? Certainly not. But if you had attended school with Obama, even if your name is "Balla Okoroji", he can ask his aides to allow you in because he knows you.

In many instances, access to things is not really based on your name but on relationship, and I think that's the way it works in heaven. Hence, if I may ask, do you know Jesus? Or, does Jesus know you?

John 14:23 says - Jesus answered, “If people love me, they will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them[NCV].

A relationship with Jesus starts with obedience on your part to everything He has taught us. If you say you don't know everything, I'm sure you know something, so start with what you know, I'm sure you and Jesus would be much closer by the time you are done with that. God Bless You!

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