
DailyPills: Clean heart by Commissioned


Anchor Song: Clean Heart
Artist: Commissioned
URL: http://tinyurl.com/j6cznqj

So how does a person get contaminated, or become corrupted? Every now and then, I find myself say things or use words and I wonder, where did I get that from??? Things that under normal conditions, would not even come to my mind.

Jesus gave us a clue to this in Mark 7:15 - It’s not what you swallow that pollutes your life; it’s what you vomit—that’s the real pollution”[MSG].

Most of us take this verse to mean we can actually swallow anything and it will have no effect on us, since it is what we vomit that pollutes, but I'd like to ask, how can you vomit what you didn't swallow?

Jesus was saying that it's not the food you swallow that corrupts you, but the words and thoughts that come out of your heart. However, most of these corrupting words and thoughts are not self generated, you ate them from somewhere.

If you find yourself saying, thinking or doing things that surprise even you, those things must be coming from somewhere, there something feeding them into you and you need to disconnect. Jesus expects us to filter what we allow into our mind, so that we can always vomit the right things. This is why some of us have chosen to abstain from certain music and movies because those two are some of the best "feeders".

The human body drinks clean water, and uses it to pass out some of the waste in the body. So you can't be feeding your mind waste and expect it to pass out clean content, it can't work. God Bless You!

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