
DailyPills: Here Now by Hillsong


Anchor Song: Here Now
Artist: Hillsong
URL: http://tinyurl.com/jkwvkr6

Is there something going on in your life right now that's making you wonder where God is? This doesn't necessarily mean all is not well, it just means there is one area, maybe even two or more that is trying to take your joy away. We'll, I have an idea, and I think it would help.

When Peter toiled all night and caught nothing, where was God? You know, it didn't matter if Peter's kids were the best in school, or if he had the best marriage in town. At that point, business wasn't working like it should, and like you might have guessed, God was in Peter business, sending Jesus his way.

Jacob has been with his Uncle turned father in law for some years and the man had played him well, cheated him to the point where Jacob knew it was time to go. However, I can imagine how distressed Jacob must have felt thinking about the fact that he'd have to go start life from ground zero. Where was God in all this? Right there, using the same conditions that should have wrecked him to elevate him.

I know you are familiar with Joseph's story, so I'd ask, where was God when he was sold into slavery? Where was God when he was sent to prison? I believe the answer must be obvious now, God was with him every step of the way, making sure he arrived safe at destiny.

Isaiah 43:2 says - When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up—the flames will not consume you[TLB].

Therefore, take another look at that seemingly dysfunctional area of your life, God is right there. You might not see Him,  you might not feel Him, but He is there, waiting for your corporation so He can work things out for your good. God Bless You!

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