
DailyPills: Give Us Your Heart by William McDowell


Anchor Song: Give Us Your Heart
Artist: William McDowell
URL: http://tinyurl.com/hl3cbut

There are several thing you can possibly give to God as an offering, but the most important of them all by all standards is your heart. Hence, every time you come before God, please make sure your most important offering is in good condition.

Besides giving money, some people give time and energy to make sure that every service is a success. Just imagine that no one organizes the car park, or that there are no ushers in church. Imagine that there are no workers taking care of the children while you listen to the word. Just think about the fact that those choristers who lead you into worship take out time for rehearsals, etc.

However, you should know that all these forms of service or offering will not be worth much if you do them carrying a grudge in your heart? Matthew 5:23-24 says - Therefore, if you are bringing an offering to God and you remember that your brother is angry at you or holds a grudge against you, then leave your gift before the altar, go to your brother, repent and forgive one another, be reconciled, and then return to the altar to offer your gift to God[VOICE].

While it is impossible to eliminate friction in human relationships, please make sure all friction are settled as fast as possible. Don't allow beef to get mixed with your service, else it becomes just ordinary manual labour as my teacher would often imply.

Remember, both Cain and Abel both brought offerings before God, but one was acceptable and the other wasn't. So, ask yourself, what kind of offering are you bringing to the table, Cain's or Abel's? God Bless You!

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