
DailyPills: Bound For Glory by Vertical Church Band


Anchor Song: Bound For Glory
Artist: Vertical Church Band
URL: http://tinyurl.com/hkwmg79

In a class, if the same person gets the best student in every course and scores the overall best student every session, you know it would be difficult for anyone in that class to convince the scholar that there's a better approach to studying without first taking that first position from him, right?

Likewise, instead of arguing about right and wrong over almost anything and everything with unbelievers, my earnest desire for you and I is for God to make us like that guy who keeps coming out tops in every course, because it's difficult to argue with results.

Truth is, people are looking for answers, they are looking for what works, and I think we would make many disciples when we go beyond telling people what God can do when they give their lives to Christ to using our lives to conduct the experiment so we can show them the results.

When your career is thriving, and your marriage is undoubtedly working well, I mean very sweet. When people see you come out of tough situations unscathed, but soaring even higher after the tough season, trust me they will one day come and ask how you are doing it.

2 Corinthians 4:6 says - The God who spoke light into existence, saying, “Let light shine from the darkness,” is the very One who sets our hearts ablaze to shed light on the knowledge of God’s glory revealed in the face of Jesus, the Anointed One[VOICE]. So you see, even God desires to show His glory to the world through us.

Therefore, I believe that when our desire align who His, miracles are bound to happen.God Bless You!

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