
DailyPills: Source Of Strength by Papa San


Anchor Song: Source Of Strength
Artist: Papa San
URL: http://tinyurl.com/z74gpra
No matter how severe the dry season gets,  do you ever get to any of the beaches around and discover there's no water? Maybe that's a little extreme, so let's talk about wells.
If you always had to get water from a well growing up like I did,  then you must be familiar with the changes a well goes through during the dry season. In some cases, the well completely dries up, but for most wells in this region it doesn't. What we have is that the water level gets very low, and under severe conditions, barely enough to meet the domestic need. When this happens, we know the well is no longer deep enough, so we get people to dig a little deeper. Why are we digging deeper? Simple, we need to get closer to the source so that we can have a better supply of the same resource that is scarce everywhere else.
Likewise, as the world is going through it's dry season, all nature is asking is that you and I need to get closer to our source. Talking about those firmly connected to their source, Psalms 1:3 says - They are strong, like a tree planted by a river. The tree produces fruit in season, and its leaves don’t die. Everything they do will succeed[NCV]. Hence, the real question in this season is, who is your source, and are you connected to HIM? God Bless You!
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