
DailyPills: Satisfy by Tenth Avenue North


Anchor Song: Satisfy
Artist: Tenth Avenue North
URL: http://tinyurl.com/jykeex7
Do you ever wonder if God is in anyway interested in making sure your innermost desires are fulfilled? Looking at the earthly ministry of Jesus, one of those things He did most of the time was meet the most pressing needs of people. When He met blind Bartimaeus, He provided his most pressing need - sight. When He met the man by the pool of Bethesda, He told him to take up his bed and walk, putting an end to a 38yrs challenge. Take a look at every other miracle performed by Jesus, He made sure He took care of the most pressing issue at hand.
Now, someone might say, it's must have been because those cases had to do with healing, then I'd ask, what about the point where He turned water to wine, fed 5000 people or the point where He asked his disciples to get money from a fish to pay tax?
Psalms 37:4 says - Take delight in the Lord , and he will give you your heart’s desires[NLT]. Your heart desire might not have to do with healing, but whatever it is, God is interested. God knows that true satisfaction comes when the most genuine desires of your heart are met, so He doesn't want you to cover it up, but that you bring it before Him, so that He'd show you how to get it done. Having dreams is not carnal, it's part of Gods divine plan to give you satisfaction. God Bless You!
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