
DailyPills: God Over Everything by Frank Edwards


Anchor Song: God Over Everything, Artist: Frank Edwards, URL: http://tinyurl.com/jy97x25
Honestly, I really want to pray and study God's word more, but my biggest challenge is just time. I don't know if you've ever felt like that, but for me that is a constant struggle. There were days I told myself I'd pray for a certain period of time, or study a particular portion of the Bible, but by the end of that day, I look back and I'd have done very little or nothing.
Over a period of time, not having enough time was always an acceptable excuse till I did some checking. While I didn't have enough time to study or commune with God as much as I'd have loved to, on those same days, I somehow found a way to keep up with all/most of my social media app. I saw most of my friends pictures on Instagram, saw majority of what happened on Facebook, I went through my BBM feeds, and the only reason I won't mention Twitter and Snapchat is simply because I don't use them quite often. Now, judging by my actions, "who" would you say I love more?
Luke 12:34 says - Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be[NLT]. Even with your normal friends, finding time to spend with someone shows they are important to you, so if you say God is the most important person in your life, can you prove it by the way you spend your time? Therefore, I'd only accept not having enough time as an excuse for not spending time with God, if I also didn't have the time for social media, movies, series and the likes that keeps me busy. I hope, that you'd also let the way you spend your time show God is as important as you say He is to you. God Bless You!
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