Hearts and Crafts: DailyPills: God In Me by Mary Mary

DailyPills: God In Me by Mary Mary


Anchor Song: God In Me
Artist: Mary Mary
URL: http://tinyurl.com/zlowmnv
What will you do if you unexpectedly run into someone you love/admire? Selfie? I knew it! Taking selfies with stars or important personalities have become a norm anywhere in the world and the major reason why we want these selfies taken is not because we want to convince ourselves that we met that person, but we want a proof to show others. Everyone that personally met with Mark Zukerberg when he was in Nigeria either has a selfie or a groupie to show for it, so it would be hard for you to say you met him and you have none.
So, if I may ask, since we are children of God,  and we know that He lives on the inside of us,  don't you think we should desire to have proofs of His presence - something that shows to others that we truly have such a personal relationship with God?  Or is God not a VIP?
Remember the classic movie "Coming to America", even when Hakeem - the Prince from Africa, tried as much as he could to hide his identity as a Prince, the moment his father showed up, his cover was blown, the proof of royalty was so evident on the father that it would be hard to doubt his kingship. Likewise, don't you think it would be nice for people to look at you and know God is your dad? Guess what, that's exactly what God wants for you and I, He wants to leave such proofs in us. Acts 1:8 - But when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power to testify about me with great effect, to the people in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth, about my death and resurrection"[TLB]. The word "testify" in this verse refers to witness, which means a proof producer. Do you want to be God's proof producer? Why not ask, so that you might receive. God Bless You!
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