



What’s good? Hope you all made it to church on sunday? Church was fabulous at my end and I am still running all that I learned through my mind. 

Today, I’d like to share this because it has been on my mind for a while now and I’ve also been at the point where I was confused about what the fuss with being a Christian was; how we sometimes feel like something is not right…but nothing major happens until we try to seek out that which is really wrong. We could go on with our lives, everything is all chilled great but the moment we try to get right with God? 
*inserts crash smiley*
Everything just comes crashing down!!! Like with Job in the Bible, nothing works anymore and it seems as though even God has turned against us; note that this only happens when we begin to tread the path of seeking a deeper relationship with God.

So how do we go from here now? 

More often than not, we just slide right back to what we tried to walk away from because the familiar is often comfortable. An adage in Yoruba says, “Bi a o ba mo ibi ti a n re, oje ki a mo ibi ti ati wa” (If we don’t know where we are headed to, we would definitely know where we came from); this is the precise thought process that we need to return to what we knew…and seemingly knows us.
That, my dear readers, is HIDING!

Yes! When we begin a business for example, we just don’t give up because we’ve not made profit yet. We keep pushing and trying and inventing and getting creative in ways that’s sure to move our businesses forward, right? That’s the exact same way we should be with our faith, our walk with God and communion with His Holy Spirit. 

We need to continue to SEEK and not HIDE when we get hit by the troubles of life. In John 16:33, Christ said; “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth, you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world”

Shouldn’t you rather hang with, not hide from,  the ONE who already told you about the trials that would come? 
Doesn’t that give all the assurance that if we continue to seek Him, He’d be there to teach us how to navigate and get over these trials?

So fam, let’s stop playing hide and seek with our relationship God! Let’s just continue to seek Him, irrespective of the hurdles that the enemy may throw our way because He knows the end from the beginning…and we all know that, in our hearts of hearts.

More often than not I’ve heard people say, when I was not in Christ things were better for me or why can’t I overcome this sin or addiction if God truly loves me? Here is an apt explanation that I found on the Unfiltered page, “When a baby is learning how to walk; the more the baby tries, the harder it falls. Do you get surprised when the baby falls though? No, but you keep encouraging the baby to walk until he or she gets better and starts walking freely without support.“

That’s the way our relationship with God should be; even though we fall, we just keep seeking. No matter how badly we think we have fallen, irrespective of the set backs that fly our way during this 'baby -step' periods, let's ensure that knowing God for ourselves remains the goal. We are not powerful enough to make Him hate us, so hiding from God by returning to our old ways won’t help matters at all. 

Truth is the more we keep looking unto Him in every situation, like Job did when he refused to curse God and die, God also becomes more 'readily availabe' to us as we begin to grow in Him. Rather than slide back to hiding from His grace and love, we should continue to seek Him and He’d hide us in the shadow of His hand as written in Isaiah 49:2.

Stop hiding from God, Seek Him and He will surely Hide you from all that troubles you...

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Picture Credits: ABC Parish, Craft Hub

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