
DailyPills: Here For You by Matt Redman


Anchor Song: Here For You
Artist: Matt Redman
URL: http://tinyurl.com/zupr3r9
Do you know why companies spend so much money on advertising? It's simple, they are trying to program your mind, dig into your subconscious, such that whenever you are in need of the kind of service they render, the first name that pops is theirs. So you open a newspaper and you see an advert, you put on the TV to watch your favorite program and there's another ad from the same company. You open up BBM and while trying to view your friends DP, one annoying ad pops up from no where. You move over to Facebook or Instagram and these ads won't just let you be. They do all these, to make sure that the day you need to buy something, their name is the first you'd remember.
Likewise, God is not old school, He perfectly understands this concept and He's constantly trying to reach out to you, not to get from you but to give to you. Every time you see an encouraging post on Facebook, or a PM on BBM that lifts your spirit, or a picture that instantly breaks the heaviness in your heart, don't you know that it is God trying to get your attention? Romans 1:20 says - There are things about him that people cannot see—his eternal power and all the things that make him God. But since the beginning of the world those things have been easy to understand by what God has made. So people have no excuse for the bad things they do[NCV]. This verse shows that powerful things from God can be decoded if we would just take the little things more seriously. Billboards are not weeds, so everywhere you see one, you know someone put it there. In the same way, everything you see that encourages you, gives you hope, they didn't just happen by chance, it is God's advert, letting you know that He is not far from you, and no matter what, He's love and support for you endures forever! God Bless You!
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