Hearts and Crafts: DailyPills: Welcome To The New by MercyMe

DailyPills: Welcome To The New by MercyMe


[Anchor Song: Welcome To The New, Artist: Mercy me, URL: http://tinyurl.com/hdvamz4 ]
Just because you graduated from the University with an excellent grade, do you think that makes you know more than your parents? Be careful when what you know brings you to the point of breaking some laws, either natural or spiritual, because in many cases, it is only an indication that your knowledge has got a virus.
Think about it, why did Jesus have to respect the Pharisees and teachers of the law? Considering the fact that Jesus is the Son of God, so even on the basis of knowledge, there was no way any of those guys could have known even a tiny fraction of what Jesus knows. Then on the basis of power, they definitely couldn't match Jesus by any standard, coupled to these is that fact that those guys were wrong in many of their ideologies. Yet, it was never recorded that Jesus despised or disrespected any of them.
I had to raise this thought with you today, because I think a lot of us now find it hard submitting to those place above us because we have a different opinion, or that we know better. Listen, if you are not the leader right now, it's because God doesn't want you there, because even if they rigged the election/selection and it's against God's will, then it won't stand.
Romans 13:1 - All of you must yield to the government rulers. No one rules unless God has given him the power to rule, and no one rules now without that power from God[NCV]. Therefore, it's very okay to disagree with people, especially those placed above you, but do it without despising or disrespecting them. That, is the true sign of maturity and godly knowledge. God Bless You!
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