
DailyPills: Something About The Name Jesus by Kirk Franklin


Anchor Song: Something About The Name Jesus
Artist: Kirk Franklin
URL: http://tinyurl.com/jvykckc
Names, are very important. I have a friend who's uncle is a highly respected diplomat, both home and abroad, and because of the positions his uncle has held, their surname registers in the mind of a lot of people. So, every time we go anywhere and there is a need for us to introduce ourselves, the moment he mentions his surname, the follow up question most times is "are you related to... " and he'd say "Yes - he's my uncle". Even if I share the same surname with the greatest king that has ever ruled my village, or my other friend shares the same surname with the greatest warrior his village has ever known, since it doesn't register in their mind when we mention, they just move on.
Now, there is a name that registers in the mind of everyone, everywhere. Beyond living things, even non living things can not but respond to the mention of that name.Philippians 2:10-11 says - so that every knee will bow to the name of Jesus— everyone in heaven, on earth, and under the earth. And everyone will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and bring glory to God the Father[NCV].
You see, there is something about the name of Jesus that everything thing in the universe registers and responds to. Everything knows this, do you? God Bless You!
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