DailyPills: Follow The Leader by Mike Abdul


Anchor Song: Follow The Leader
Artist: Mike Abdul
URL: http://tinyurl.com/zuazspz
There's been a burden on my heart ever since I started making these music-inspired devotionals. The issue is the fact that the links shared with them are often gotten from illegal music sharing platforms, and people ask, don't you think that's wrong? Isn't that a crime? My defense is the fact that either I share those links or not, the people that put them online will continue to, but I see myself doing free advert for the artists, because I'm sure some people would never know them or their great songs if I don't share. So that got me a little comfortable, but I still didn't like the dark cloud illegally obtained links put over DailyPills.
However, I have good news, that cloud has moved. From yesterday, we started sharing links from a legal music streaming platform called "Deezer".
Deezer is a music streaming company with a library of about 35million songs and they are available in 182 out of the 192 countries in the world. The fact they are available in so many countries also means they have a very robust library.
For DailyPills, the good new is that we can now share songs with you almost as soon as the songs are released, and in addition to that, the artists themselves get paid when you listen. Also, I'm glad I'd be able to share songs from African artists. While going through Deezer earlier, I saw albums ranging from the latest William Murphy to the new Swithfoot, from Chioma Jesus to the new Frank Edward single, simply AWESOME!!!
If you want to really enjoy this, I'd suggest you download Deezer's mobile app, so you can freely and easily listen to every song we share. And when you do, please search for "DailyPills" and follow, so we can share our love for music and discover more, feel free to ask if you have any questions or challenge.
Lastly, let me add that we're not working for Deezer, there is no material benefit in this for DailyPill, but the desire has always been to help people find songs that would bless them, body, soul and Spirit, that's our reward. That said enjoy today's jam from Mike Abdul. God Bless You!

#DailyPills #Devotional #Inspiration   #GoodMusic

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