
JIB Crafts: Sabel Angels....guarding your little angels


 Sabel Angels.

The creative power house of entrepreneurs truly an amazing quality which drives the enterprise. Our
entrepreneur today, Mrs Somi Obum, has devoted her career to provide child care and support for working parents by providing an exciting array of good and services. From making nice kiddies outfit to playroom furniture, to handcrafted quilts and a mobile creche...yeeup..mobile creche!
Let's find out all about this amazing lady who is making more of her talent and creativity..
 Sabel Angels.

My Business and I?
Mrs Somi Obum is a resourceful lady entrepreneur whose love and passion for children is evident under a close observation as well as qualified to fulfill the responsibilities of properly caring for little angels. I have spent years providing affordable quality child care, as well as addressing the numerous childcare problems that working parents usually face. Born out of the need to provide quality early years care and education in a safe and friendly environment that enlightens, entertains and empowers children to learn while their parents earn or relax. Sabel Angels was incorporated in 2010; the first mobile child care company in Lagos and across the country to provide cost effective and innovative child care solutions for various workplaces and functions.
Sabel Angels.

Our Mobile Child Care solution provides the opportunity for quality on-site childcare when and where you need it, with minimal effort. As such our mobile child care solution represents a great value for money when it comes to ensuring a maximum attendance at your events, not to mention the great value that it adds to your family-friendly image. So whether it is a one day meeting, a week-long conference, a 2-day exhibition or a wedding celebration, we can transform a special room/space of your choice into an on-site child care with a large selection of age appropriate toys/equipment that will keep everybody happy.

Sabel Angels.

Start-Up Story?
While working as a software tester for both N-power (Swindon, England) and AA (Basingstoke, England), and at Laserderm Clinics as the Business Development Manager, I had also being able to see firsthand how challenging it is for working parents to access high quality and flexible childcare for various occasions. With this, I set up a day care centre that catered to the needs of working parents.
Realising how mobile life has become, I then decided to and now provide child care services in various capacities for events. This was not an easy transition because as lovely the idea sounded to many, I just was not booking jobs. I gave out free services for my friend’s wedding, a church function, a friend’s child’s birthday party, and so on until I almost burnt out with no income.

Sabel Angels.

But I realised I had to keep pushing, I needed to be more proactive especially on social media, needed to partner with other companies to get awareness and recognition. I also introduced products such as children’s room/play area soft furnishing and bedroom decor/ accessories, diaper/carrier bags, all produced using our local fabric. These are being sold while anticipating bookings for my services. I partnered with my sister Mary Umolu, CEO Onikeke which is a Children’s Ethnic Clothier so together we are pushing business and this has helped our businesses in building more traction.

Sabel Angels.

Overcoming Challenges?
I have a fantastic support system in my family. My husband has been a strong pillar and a great voice of reasoning who never for a minute allowed me give up even in the midst of major doubts and confusion. He constantly helped me redefine and restructure the business till it was fully and clearly defined. My mother and siblings also have been a major source of strength to get by, always supporting me with all they could.

Sabel Angels.

Advice to aspiring and upcoming entrepreneurs?
No matter what your line of expertise is and how much passion you have for it, perfect your skill, clearly define your purpose and have a sound structure.

Sabel Angels.

Contact details
Tel: 09094625530; 08125786232
Email: info@sabelangelsng.com
Instagram: @sabelangels
Facebook: Sabel Angels Child Care Services
Url: www.sabelangelsng.com


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