Hearts and Crafts: DailyPills: Heaven's Song by Open Heaven

DailyPills: Heaven's Song by Open Heaven


Anchor Song: Heaven's Song
Artist: Open Heaven
URL: http://tinyurl.com/jbhacty
One thing you and I must realize is the fact that there is room for everyone to show their genius. Just think about it, the man that invented the telephone was the genius back in his day, but compare the kind of phones we use now to the type he created, can you see how far the world has come? Now, just imagine that I claim to have invented my own telephone today and by the time you see it, it is something similar to the first type of telephone, would anyone think of it as genius?
Take a good look at every field of endeavor, and you will find that things are constantly changing, have you every stopped to wonder how these changes come about? If you ask me, one of your biggest assets is your ability to see things differently. People create what they see, and the genius is the man that sees the extra in an ordinary situation, which he then creates.
Ephesians 1:18 says - having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints[ESV]. I know when many of us read this verse, we usually do not associate it with business or economics, but do you realize it's the sane Holy Spirit that works in church that also works in the office, in school, in the market and everywhere else you can think of. See, you and I need to see, there is so much that can, will and still needs to be done that if only we see correctly, we won't even have time to complain about the government or the economy. Think about this, remember that before famine occurred in Egypt, which was not a Christian nation, God revealed it to Pharaoh, and then Joseph interpreted it to him. If God did that then, don't you think He would do the same now, revealing the secrets to abundance in this times? So you see, all you need is for God to open your eyes, dassal! God Bless You!
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