
DailyPills: Holy Spirit Overflow by Marvin Sapp


Anchor Song: Holy Spirit Overflow
Artist: Marvin Sapp
URL: http://tinyurl.com/hb4886d
I have many unanswered questions, things I'd like to know, get clearer direction, and these questions just keeps increasing as I get older. I want to believe you understand what I'm talking about, so you must be familiar with that annoying feeling that comes with not having the answers we need. So today, I'd like to remind you about something that I think would be very helpful at such moments. John 16:13 says - When the Holy Spirit, who is truth, comes, he shall guide you into all truth, for he will not be presenting his own ideas, but will be passing on to you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future[TLB].
The verse above describes what Jesus referred to as the core functions of the Holy Spirit, which is to guide and to inform. To guide means to determine the direction of traveling, to show the way by leading or advising and this is what the Holy Spirit is there to do in you and I. The second part, which is to inform about the future, means even when you have to make a decision and you are not sure what the future implications of that decision would be, the Holy Spirit, who sees into the future can help you decide what's best for your future.
So you see, the Holy Spirit is a must have for everyone, and beyond having Him, you must also engage Him in the affairs of your life. Before you say you don't know if he'd answer your question, you ask Him first. The most reliable source of answers is not far, He's right within you. God Bless You!
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