
Mosunmola Daniela Funmi Solanke: Queening With The Saints


Mosunmola Daniela Funmi Solanke

I remember the first day I saw you, I was about 15 or 16 years old when you walked into church during children’s anniversary rehearsals. So young, yet you exuded a certain confidence that was too
admirable that I kept staring at you. I found out that you’re Aunt Kike’s sister, Mosunmola, who had been away at school.
We never exchanged words or pleasantries, but that encounter sparked a curiosity about who this lady was. I started following you on Facebook and that was the beginning of likes and infrequent comments on each other’s posts. 
Fast forward to my birthday in 2014, you sent a birthday wish on Facebook which should have become the beginning of a friendship at most, or just becoming acquaintances at least; but that was the only direct communication we ever had.
Words can not express enough how shocked I was to learn of your demise on Facebook. Facebook!!! I couldn’t cry, I was just too stunned to react appropriately. (Truth is, I don't know what reaction would be appropriate enough when your zest for life was always 100%) The same medium with which I found out about your faith in God, the same platform on which I found out you were a focused young woman. Where I learnt about your strength and positive energy. I saw beautiful pictures, insightful posts and the opinions of a woman whose love for God was uninhibited. You told anyone who cared to hear about your salvation and all that God has in store for believers willing to come to the throne of Grace. Your passion for helping others was too good to be true. You did your best by others and gave yourself the service of God in showing love to those placed in your path.
I couldn’t call the first person that came to mind, I had to be careful. Carelessly asking could hurt more than just my fears that the friend who posted ‘RIP’ on your page was mistaken. Sadly, he confirmed my worst fears. You had been sick and in two short weeks, you had taken your rest in God’s bosom. 

Mosunmola Daniela Funmi Solanke

Fun loving, Confident, Caring, Giving, Smart, Enterprising Mosunmola Solanke!!!! 

It breaks my heart to know you have been called to glory, precious child of the Most High, treasure of those who love you and a shiny example to those who admire from afar. I wish I knew you more, I wish I had taken the hint when you sent that private message and built a rapport from there. I have many wishes but my only regret is that you left too soon. 
You were a leader in your circle, a joy to behold by many and a loving sibling/daughter to the Solankes. You encouraged, inspired and cheered me on with what I knew about the life you lived, the burst of positive energy that lit up my Facebook page directly and my days indirectly.
I couldn’t attend the burial service or lying in state ceremony at Atan Cemetery, so I asked about the ceremony from mutual friends and here's one response that stood out; “Even an 80 year old couldn’t have pulled such a large crowd to come pay their last respect, not in this heat”
That’s the testament of a life well-lived, touching lives, spreading love and making a huge difference in 28 short, but full years.

Mosunmola Daniela Funmi Solanke

Beloved, let’s take a leaf from this beautiful life of this genuine Queen, right here; do the best with what you have, love as passionately as your heart can bear, ensure you give, give, give and give yet again; above all, live your life to the glory of God, being the light that He has sent you to be in this world so that at the end of it all, heaven will recognize you as His servant.

Rest in peace, Solanke Daniella Mosunmola Funmi!!!


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