
DailyPills: You Are The Only One by Casting Crowns


Anchor Song: You Are The Only One 
Artist: Casting Crowns 
Imagine a 1 litre cup of a creamy mix of chocolate and strawberry ice cream, mixed with coconut
chips and peanuts seating right in front of you, and while you prepare to delve into that world of creamy goodness, someone walks by and drops a single drop of kerosene into your cup of ice cream, what would you do? 
What it comes to quantity, a drop of kerosene doesn't come anywhere close to the 1litre cup of ice cream, but I'm sure you that that cup of ice cream can never remain the same again. 
Do you know that King Solomon didn't really deny God? I read through the story again I didn't see anywhere it was mentioned that Solomon did, but I saw this; 1 Kings 11:4 - In his old age, his wives tempted him to follow other gods. He was no longer committed to the Lord his God as his father David had been[GW]. Solomon didn't "stop" following God, all he did was accommodate other Gods, other opinions in addition to the God he had always known. 
If there is kerosene in your cup already, it doesn't matter how good the ice cream being poured into it is, it becomes undesirable as soon as it enters the cup. So when you try to mix other opinions with your faith in God, you can't get the best of God. So check yourself, is God your one and only, or do you have other ideas you are following? God Bless You! 
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