Hearts and Crafts: DailyPills: In Christ Alone by Anthony Evans

DailyPills: In Christ Alone by Anthony Evans


Anchor Song: In Christ Alone 
Artist: Anthony Evans 
One of the most eye opening lessons I learnt from reading about Sam Walton, one of the most intelligent business minds that ever lived is that "you don't have to have the best to be the best". Actually, I'm not sure you will find that quote in any of his articles or books about him, I came up with it, but follow me, I'm going somewhere. 
Several times in his book, Sam Walton would always emphasize that many of concepts that quantum leaped his business were not self generated, I mean, he wasn't the one that came up with those ideas. Mr Sam was known to enter every store he found anywhere in the world, look around in those stores for new ways of doing things he could go back and implement at Walmart. Mr Sam built one of the most successful businesses in history, Walmart, not because he always came up with the best ideas, but because he knew how identify smart ideas and then use them to his advantage. 
As a creative person myself, I know one challenge that many creative people have is thinking that there self generated idea has to be superior to everyone else's. Instead of looking to compliment their ideas with equally intelligent ideas from other people, they would rather be a lone ranger. 
Remember Deuteronomy 32:30 - How could one person chase a thousand or two people make ten thousand flee? Their rock used these people to defeat them and the Lord gave them no help[GW], what I need you to see in this verse is the geometric progression in the results when the number of people marginally increased from one to two. I'm not necessarily saying you need to partner with people, I'm not sure Mr Walton had serious partnerships outside members of his family, but I'm saying leverage on other people's ideas. I'm not asking you to steal them, just learn how things are done, and implement the same using your own genius. Let me round of by saying that there is nothing new under the sun, all we have is new ways of doing old things. The world is waiting on you to create a new path, don't keep us waiting for too long. 
God Bless You! 

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