
DailyPills: My Love Is Real by Fred Hammond


Anchor Song: My Love Is Real
Artist: Fred Hammond
URL: http://tinyurl.com/gqe89zq
Can we just get real for a moment on this Valentine’s issue. How many Valentine’s day have you celebrated? While you make the count to get an accurate number, can I equally ask you to also note number of Vals you have had, I mean the number of people you have celebrated them with. Don’t worry, I won’t ask you to give the details of how you celebrated with any of those people, but I’d just like to ask, how much value did the Val’s day celebration have on the quality of your relationship with those people in the long run?
Just so you know, I’m not about to tell you that you shouldn’t be celebrating because it’s some form of idolatry or anything like that, I just need you to open your eyes and really consider what it is your are celebrating. Looking back at those experience and combining it with what you know now, what would you have done differently that would ensure that this one would not be like any of the other ones in the past?
As you might have noticed, I came with more questions than answers today, but Mike Murdock says that “until you master how to ask yourself the right questions, you will never learn how to master life”.
1 John 4:8 says - The person who refuses to love doesn't know the first thing about God, because God is love — so you can't know him if you don't love[MSG]. Maybe you should consider the love you are celebrating with the kind God has shown you through Christ, I know it can never come close, but does it even have traces of it? And if you don’t know what the love of God looks like, then I think you need to find out what it is, that way you won’t fall prey of all these fake loves behind distributed everywhere. Whatever you do today, make sure it’s pure, make sure it’s true and make sure it’s for real. God Bless You!
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