
As Christians, we surely must have had questions pertaining to our faith as we grow in this walk with God. Some questions bother around the basis of our faith such as tithing while others are deeply rooted in the knowledge of God and the revelation of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

I have had questions myself, especially as it concerns relationships with others, wondering why this person didn’t know better and why the other didn’t do better.
The truth, however, is that most of the problems we have in the fold today stem from either unanswered questions or answers that are not based on the proper explanation of scriptural references.

First off, we think we can’t question our faith but we can. We can look for answers to questions we may have in a bid to further understand the God we believe and serve. Especially because a lot of us became Christians because that is the religion our parents were practicing at the time we were given birth to.

So we basically inherited Christianity until we made the decision to pursue a deeper relationship with God; this decision would natural spark up questions.

Personally, I grew in my faith by asking questions concerning verses of scriptures that wasn’t clear to me or about my faith as regards relationships, career, family life, goals and even, death.

The answers we find, however, depends on where or who we take our questions to – which is the main gist of this post.

Like I stated above, it is important to have questions regarding any unclear parts of our walk as Christians. I have come to learn that the best ways to gain answers are if we take our questions to:

God: We are all God’s creation, created for His glory and in His likeness. When a designer makes a product, s/he is the only one who can explain the reason or purpose for which the said product was created. That is why God is the best source for answers to questions surrounding our faith. We can raise the questions to Him during prayers, bible study or moments of meditation. God in turn, responds to our questions through the ministrations of the Holy Spirit who He has sent to us to “TEACH US ALL THINGS” according to John 14:26.

Circle of Faith: It is important to have a godly circle of influence to uphold one on this Christian walk. These circles should have people willing to grow in their faith, searching the word and correctly dividing the scriptures. The apostles guided the churches in matters concerning the problems and confusions that rose up in those early days. They were able to send even representatives to some of the churches who had the proven understanding and conviction of the gospel of Jesus Christ. These circles would help us find our way to the answers that may arise in our hearts concerning our faith by joining their faith with ours in prayers, by searching for answers with us and even sharing personal experiences that have answered the questions of faith.

The Gift of Retrospect: The truth is that we would learn answers to some of these questions in retrospect because sometimes, we receive facts and knowledge as answers but we gain understanding after we’ve gone through life. I know this to be true because I’ve asked questions about some verses of the Bible such as what it truly means to receive mercy from the throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16); the answers I received were satisfactory enough until I went through a period in my life where I became convinced that more than mercy, one also receives grace from the throne of grace. So, in some cases, trusting God and continuously looking for answers would bring us to a place in life where we ‘grow’ through situations where the truth we seek about our faith is embedded in that experience.

To close, I’d like to emphasize here that God wants us to answer our questions. He is excited to prove Himself to us and reveal more about Him to us as much as we would love to know.
The ultimate question would be, “Will you be able to handle the answers you receive?”

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