DailyPills: Alpha & Omega by Israel And New Breed


Anchor Song: Alpha & Omega
Artist: Israel & New Breed
URL: http://tinyurl.com/gtm3yck

Welcome onboard the year 2017, I'm glad you could join us on this flight. This is going to be a long trip, it would take a whole 365 days, so I'd advise you make yourself at home in this new year.

One of the things I'm particular about when traveling, especially when I'm taking a long trip is comfort. I think about all I'd need to make myself comfortable throughout the journey and I try to them all ready. From clothes, to my headset, book, water, chewable, and  anything else that comes to mind.

Likewise, I think it would make sense for us all to consider what would make the year comfortable for us as we go through it, and make plans to ensure we always have all we need. The challenge with this is the fact that none of us knows the terrain, no one has travelled this road before, so it's hard to figure what the needs would be.

However, Revelation 1:8 says - I am the A and the Z, the Beginning and the Ending of all things,” says God, who is the Lord, the All Powerful One who is, and was, and is coming again![TLB].

This means right now as we speak, God can see all that will happen in the year 2017, even to the last second of the year. Hence, I think all we need is God, and if we have Him on the ride with us, then our maximum comfort on this trip is guaranteed. Happy New  Year. God Bless You!

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