DailyPills: The Hurt & The Healer by MercyMe


Anchor Song: The Hurt & The Healer
Artist: Mercy Me
URL: http://tinyurl.com/glh554p

Errr... the fruit of Christianity is not just about the attitude you show to people on the outside, it is more about the thoughts you have towards them on the inside. I’m sure you know that it is very possible to smile with someone, but the thoughts in your heart towards that person are completely negative. The fact that you have given your life to Jesus doesn’t mean you will be immune  to hurts, neither does it mean that you will become numb to the things that hurt others. However, what we have as children of God is a healer who heals perfectly.
Let’s consider Superman and Wolverine as case studies, one thing common to these two super heroes is the ability of their bodies to heal at a rate faster than ordinary humans. Every human’s body can heal from wounds, but in the case of these super heroes, the rate at which this healing occurs is many times faster than normal humans. Likewise, every one hurts one way or another, but as a child of God, you have Jesus who can get to the root of every hurt and uproot it, such that the trace of that event is completely eliminated from your life.
Psalms 12:5 says - Into the hovels of the poor, Into the dark streets where the homeless groan, God speaks: "I've had enough; I'm on my way, to heal the ache in the heart of the wretched"[MSG]. Christianity is not perfecting the art of pretense, pretending everything is okay when you are hurt, it coming before a savior who knows what to do to get rid of the hurt. Therefore, no matter what that pain/hurt is about, you don’t have to carry it anymore, Jesus is here to take it all away. God Bless You!
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