

Hey people!!

Trust you are doing great today? 

As the title shows, this blog post is a review plus lessons learned from watching this largely hyped Mount Zion Ministries series' "ABEJOYE". I read a lot of online reviews about Abejoye but I was not convinced to watch the series which started in 2018.

However, I decided to check on it at the beginning of the year. I think around the 3rd and I finished all episodes by the 10th; yes, it was that good.

I did not watch a lot of Mount Zion films while growing up, except Apoti Eri which I loved loved but my fascination with the Mount Zion Ministries came back when I saw the story on how the ministry begun in a biography titled, “The Train” which was an adaptation of the life story of Mike Bamiloye. 

Anyhoo, I am doing a review about the characters and lessons from the series which has had four successful seasons between 2018 and 2021. I hope this post convinces you to watch the series and other films from the Mount Zion Ministries; especially because you can see the noticeable effort to do better in script writing, cinematography and character selection. 

Kin-KINN yiun

KINKINN – YIUN: Through out all four seasons of Abejoye, this character, played by Bunmi Bamitale, is an absolute favorite. I love her fierceness, interpretation of the role and quality of performance. Pre and Post Jesus KinKinn – Yiun killed her roles and kept the consistency throughout her scenes. Not sure I’ve seen her in any other Mount Zion films but I am definitely looking forward to seeing her in more. More than how she effortlessly played her role, she also embodied the work of Christ in us when we come to accept Him as our Lord and Savior. Like her, a lot of new believers are usually conflicted by how to act, what to wear or how to interact. Her character shows us to continue listening and feeding our souls with the knowledge of Christ and in due time, every atom of our being would reflect His glory. People would say you look the same but can tell by your disposition that you are now saved. So like Kinkinn-Yiun, don’t worry so much about how you look on the outside; focus on the work God has begun on your inside and the Lord will guide you in the other issues by the leading of the Holy Spirit. 

PS: Upon further research, I found out that Mrs. Bunmi Bamitale is a diction coach, event compere (including but not limited to Yoruba engagements), singer and actress, just to name a few. She is a bundle of talents who also enjoys playing football. Cool, right?


OLAYIOTAN ABEJOYE: With this character, played by the veteran and absolutely amazing actor, Pa Mike Bamiloye, I was struck by his deep worship for God. There is a spirit of familiarity that keeps trying to overwhelm those who have been in the faith for a long time; this was made glaring by how much works this character showcased through the power of God. He maintained the childlike faith that Christ says would make it easier to see the kingdom of God. If we are completely honest, some Christians keep talking about the days they just received Christ because that was the last time they manifested the power that is available to us in Christ Jesus. 

Abejoye challenged me to press in for the abundance that is available to me in Christ and stop playing “Christianese”. He hadn’t even spoken in other tongues, yet through deep worship, a desire to know God and a consistent prayer walk, signs and wonders were evident in his life. I must also mention how the background of idolatry made it seem like Abejoye understood the meaning of worship. The deep adages he would speak, the holy ghost incantations that sprout from his lips shows that our past can be used as a tool for God’s glory. This character showed me that God truly meets us where we are and is a lovingly patient Father who would show us the path to follow as we seek Him. 


OLUOJE: This character played by is proof of why we need to be “calming down”. Don’t just carry other people’s matter on your head like voltron. Sometimes, pray and mule over the situation be it what you have seen, heard or read. Take as much time as you require before you will die another man’s death because of stubbornness and lack of patience. It was this character who went to attack Abejoye but in his narration, he didn’t include it o. He only said Abejoye attacked him in the dream and others got infuriated and started throwing attacks. They all died but Oluoje gave his life to Christ and was saved. You may say it is not fair but isn’t that the way the world has become. People keep jumping to conclusion because the need to be seen as fighting a cause or the other seems to be more profitable than listening to understand. This character has taught me not to jump to conclusions because people have received spiritual attacks on issues they had no idea about because they didn’t inquire more before responding. 


It is true that Oluoje, Iya Akesan and Awonbiwonninu were kinsmen, however, they became more infuriated when Oluoje got inflicted. A the end of the day while they died without coming to the knowledge of Christ, Oluoje gained eternal life and still lived long enough to share the testimony of his redemption to others in his community and environs. 

May the people we support blindly, not use our downfall as a very good bad example o. Amen.


ASIPA: This character had me in stitches a lot. He was obvious in his antics from the beginning, spreading false witness, attacking whoever was been attacked, lying and exaggerating stories, defending bad behavior and disregard for others. There is a line in one of DaTruth’s songs that says “A blind man can’t see himself falling” and that describes this character for me. 

How does someone insist on doing the wrong thing and tearing down other people’s images without proof or any substantial reason? 

Some of the issues the world is experiencing today stems from people like this who can see they are in the wrong but would never back track.  Another good example is the scene where Ogunwa “slapped” Abejoye; did you see him slap Abejoye? Did you really see that happen or did you begin to believe it the more it was said throughout that eposide that Ogunwa slapped Abejoye? I understand the make believe that goes into acting and based on our culture, it’s disrespectful for a younger man to actually slap an elder. I get all that and I love that they preserved the ‘sanctity’ of honoring elders, while creating such a beautiful work of art. 

However, like the ‘lie’ that was sold to us, we need to pause and ask questions before we begin to say what was reported as opposed to what was seen. Asipa didn’t see JACK; yet he seemed to know so much about what was going on everywhere. In fact, I could exaggerate by saying the further he was from the scene of the occurrence, the more information he possessed about what had transpired. 

Please, believers or not, let us work on your flaws and weaknesses before you get in trouble. Ask friends and family members for a character review once in a while and doing better. Even as Christians, we need to submit some of these weaknesses to Christ TODAY so that nothing will cast a shadow on our testimony.

Laide Olayiotan

Mr. Bamidele Olayiotan

MR. AND MRS. BAMIDELE: This couple played by Mr. Wole Adeyi and Mrs. Gloria Mike-Bamiloye represents a huge crop of Christians that we have today who have a form of godliness but deny the power therein (2 Timothy 3:5). They are perfect examples of why the Bible says that we have saved by grace through faith in Christ, not by works so that no man boasts (Ephesians 2: 8 -9) because what an entire mess. This family enjoyed a level of God’s grace that can not be measured or compared to their faith, belief or works. They were church leaders who had become so familiar with the title “Christian” that they had stopped following Christ and living in line with His precepts neither were they manifesting the fruit of God’s spirit as listed in Galatians 5. They had the pastor on speed dial, even though they were leaders, they needed their pastor to still come and help in both major and minor issues. Even their father, met them in the faith and ‘overtook’ them on the growth path in the knowledge of Christ. An attack was launched against Abejoye who repelled the attack and went to Mr. Bamidele where the attack was successfully delivered. Also, their daughter Adediwura shook the hand of the same man who had successfully afflicted several people before her and she was not affected. 

How embarrassing is that?

This couple taught me that how far we go in Christ is not deterred by title or public recognition; it is about our fellowship with God when no one is looking. My understanding of their character doesn’t come from a judgmental stance but from recognizing that they represent me and if I do not do something about it quickly, the end may be disastrous.


PASTOR: This man exemplified God’s intent for whoever holds the pastoral office should have.  A guide, a counselor, leader, teacher, intercessor, evangelist and knowing that there is no better opportunity to share the mind of Christ than right NOW! He investigates issues, addresses it head on without fear or favor yet is patient in the disciplining of the saints. 

Except for a few errors in translation and continuation in some scenes, I think Abejoye is a must watch for every believer. It caused me to be humble, recognize that all the benefits I enjoy as a child of God is not due to my religious activities or commitment to Christ. It is purely grace that has kept me in spite of all the openings that the enemy may have to attack my household. 

In general, I loved the way the gospel and the challenges faced by Christians were intertwined with the story line without one watering down the other one. It is exciting to see that proper work is being done by these ministers who have been consistent in their desire to propagate the gospel of Christ. I am so proud to be associated with them and I pray God continues to give them more stories and more opportunities to do and be more in Jesus name. 

Have you watched the series? Do you think it is worth the hype?

What lessons have encouraged your walk with God? 

What do you think could be done better?

Picture Credit: Google

Video Credit: Youtube

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  1. I really love ur review..Abejoye the movie has leveled up my faith in God but I really need to learn the intro song on Season 5 episode 3 am in love with the song pls where can I get it.the lines "olori gu olugbeja" mi


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