
DailyPills: We Fall Down by Chris Tomlin


Anchor Song: We Fall Down
Artist: Chris Tomlin
URL: http://tinyurl.com/js3euts

Assuming the only bottle of water available around you mistakenly falls to the ground and though the water didn't spill, the bottle got stained with mud. Would you still consider the water inside the bottle safe for drinking after you wash off the mud on the bottle?

Again, let's assume you bought another bottle of water and while trying to open it, you find that though the bottle is tightly sealed, there are large black particles swimming in the bottle. Would you consider that bottle of water safe for consumption just because the container holding the water is perfectly clean on the outside?

You and I are made up of Spirit, soul and body. The real you is your spirit, the body is just your container. The day you give your life to Christ, your old man, that sinful nature attached to the real you dies,  and God gives you a new Spirit. That is why the Bible says in Galatians 2:20 - My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me[NLT].

Therefore, as you go through your daily experiences, this your container - your body might fall a few times, the fall might even result in a few mud stains, but guess what, the real you, your Spirit is not contaminated. When you want to define yourself, remember that the real you is your Spirit, so let what God has done in your Spirit be the focus of that definition. God Bless You!

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