
JIB INSPIRATION: From Gratitude Challenge To Garri Challenge


 From Gratitude Challenge To Garri Challenge

Hey fam!!!!

It’s DECEMBER!!!!!!!!

I am excited about this month because it promises to be the BEST month for me this year. I have all these amazing plans and weddings and fresh memories to make. 

How about you? Do you have goals for 2017 yet? 

If you don’t, you need to start putting plans on paper like right now…because 2017 is almost here *dancing alingo*

Talking about goals, I had a short term goal to not drink garri for one whole month. 

Yes o!
 From Gratitude Challenge To Garri Challenge

From around the 28th of October, I decided to stop taking garri soaked in water for the duration of one month because I noticed, not for the first time, that I took too much of it. 

If I don’t feel like cooking, I drink garri. 
If I just need a snack, I drink garri. 
Whenever I am hungry sometimes too, I usually just feel like drinking garri to assuage the hunger.

Some may wonder how much I take that is enough to fill me; it is filling for me though and I can’t explain why…it’s just what it is, fam!

Those on my Facebook know I had a 30 Days Gratitude Challenge in June. I didn’t think I could do the Garri Challenge though but in July or August, during a fast, I stayed away from corn for a WHOLE WEEK.

*inserts shocked smiley*

Those who know me know how much I love to eat corn on cobs; boiled or roasted or both. I could trace a corn sellers spot by my nose and once I find corn, I am buying. You couldn’t tell me otherwise

I noticed though that after that week, I didn’t have craving for corn as much as I once did. I walked past corn sellers with disinterest, I came up with excuses not to buy and so forth.

 From Gratitude Challenge To Garri Challenge

That’s how I challenged myself this November to stay away from garri and cold water and sugar *inserts dreamy sigh* and I did it!!!!!

While on the challenge though, I learned a few lessons that I hope would encourage you too


Take it one day at a time. Most times when we begin a new challenge, we tend to look at the period of time it would take to achieve results or end it; and more likely than not, procrastination sets in. So for whatever challenge you embark on, concentrate on getting through each day successfully.
 From Gratitude Challenge To Garri Challenge


My mom had complained about my garri intake for as long as I can remember while my sister just couldn’t believe that I would be able to pull it off (just so you know how much I did soak garri lol). So on this challenge, they were my accountability partners. They gave me close marking and kept asking as often as they could; “Are you sure you didn’t ‘drink’ garri today?. My sister even spiced it up by saying she would go on a challenge of her own if at the end of 30 days, I didn’t take garri.

You need to be accountable to people who wouldn’t allow you live down failure or giving up.

 From Gratitude Challenge To Garri Challenge


I kept imagining the 1st of December, fam! How on this day, I’d get all the necessary ingredients to make a garri feast or even go on a week long garri diet. LOL

I kept my eyes on the goal and each day got easier than the last. So whatever challenge you embark on, have a reward scheme for yourself; some have cheat days in between their diets, others wait till the end like I did *shrugs* Whatever works for you is fine, just be sure you have something to look forward to.

 From Gratitude Challenge To Garri Challenge


I’m sure we have heard this over and over again; but you see hearing is quite different from experiencing it. I had garri at work and at home, I couldn’t throw any away so I was faced with the constant challenge to sneak in a few shots *winks* I can confidently tell you though, that the constant struggle doesn’t last longer than the first few days or weeks depending on time you have to work with.

Even though, the struggle/pain might be all up in your face at the beginning, after a while you GAIN some ground and PAIN slides down, lower and lower until VIOLA….


Photos: Intagram.com/#garri, My Photo Archives 

What challenge have you recently completed? Did you experience any of the lessons above or more? I would love to hear from you; just send a mail to joyijehon@gmail.com or leave a comment below.

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