
DailyPills: How He Loves by Anthony Evans


Anchor Song: How He Loves
Artist: Anthony Evans
URL: http://tinyurl.com/zaen59o

I'm sure you'd agree that "Titanic" has to be one of the best love movies ever. Men and women have spoken of how they cried while watching the movie and some of us only escaped tears by turning our eyes away at some point so that we can have the bragging rights that we didn't cry.

While it can be argued that some elements of the true story might have been bloated to make the movie more interesting, one thing we can't deny is the fact that Titanic is a great movie, and there's nobody that wouldn't like to have a love like that. That is why I've come today, to tell you that you have a love stronger than that between Jack and Rose.

Jack gave his life for a love that was reciprocated, he had met with Rose, they had spent time together, he knew she loved him and he knew he was  risking all for a love he had experienced and knew was worth it. However, Jesus gave His life for a love that had not been reciprocated. Actually, Jesus died for the same set of people that killed Him, and He doesn't love you and I any less because of that.

Just think about how love "sharks" when the same person you have a crush on also has a crush on you, that's how your love is "sharking" Jesus. The same way you can't get enough of that person, same way you want to go out of your way for that person, the same way you don't want any evil to even come close to that person, that's the way God loves you.

John 15:7 - If you abide in Me and My voice abides in you, anything you ask will come to pass for you[VOICE], that is love talking.

I'd like you to know, that you have the best insurance policy, which is the fact that God loves you, and He'd not let anything less than the best come to you. God Bless You!

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