
DailyPills: Get The Glory by William Murphy


Anchor Song: Get The Glory
Artist: William Murphy
URL: http://tinyurl.com/hm75ubb

Do you think the church should get involved in entertainment or should any of the programs that make up a church event lean towards entertaining her audience? I recently found out that there has been discussions along these lines in the Christian circles, and many are of the opinion that church events should focus on worship, while comedy and the likes should not be allowed to mix.

While I must admit that we run the risk letting the essence of a church event get lost when we introduce entertainment into it, I must also say that I think we are creating a bigger problem when the church stays out of entertainment.

Matthew 4:3 - The devil came to Jesus to tempt him, saying, “If you are the Son of God, tell these rocks to become bread"[NCV]. Note that after fasting for 40 days and night, the first temptation the devil gave Jesus had nothing to do with a spiritual need, it was food, hunger, a very carnal need. If you ask me, I think many Christians today struggle because the church has not met their social, emotional, recreational and psychological needs.

If only the church community will invest in entertainment via movies, music, comedy, etc, promoting godly values, then the number of people exposed to immorality will drastically drop. People need to know good ways to have fun, we need to see safe way to unwind and relax, we need to discover that a relationship can be excitingly pure, and these things will sink better via entertainment than through a sermon.

Though the concerns raised by those against having entertainment in church is quite valid, I think we'd be more productive if we learn to effectively mix the word and entertaining media such that all in all, Jesus is glorified. God Bless You!

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