
DailyPills: I Will Rise by Chris Tomlin


Anchor Song: I Will Rise
Artist: Chris Tomlin
URL: http://tinyurl.com/hyrkyod

“Listen carefully: Unless a grain of wheat is buried in the ground, dead to the world, it is never any more than a grain of wheat. But if it is buried, it sprouts and reproduces itself many times over - John 12:24[MSG].

I'm sure you are familiar with the elementary principles of planting, the only way to multiply your produce is to plant some of it. But then, I want you to imagine how difficult it must be for any seed to agree to go through the planting process.

Sitting on a shelf, the seed is comfortable, no stress no worries, but would that seed ever multiply on that shelf? Think about it, even if water is poured on a seed on a shelf and sunlight also shines on it, would it grow?

Likewise, I think even for us as humans, the best of growth comes from difficult/unpleasant conditions. Like that seed, when we grow through through that experience that seems to be killing, we also have an opportunity to experience an increase.

I have mentioned before that roots do not make holes in the soil, they only look for gaps/spaces, no matter how tiny, plug into it and grow from there. This means that in every difficult or overwhelming situation, there are always gaps and spaces for us to plug into and gradually grow.

Jesus died so that He could reproduce Himself in you and as many as would receive Him into their lives. In the same way, every death-like experience you go through is also offering you a chance to reproduce much more than what is being taken away from you. God Bless You!

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