Hearts and Crafts: DailyPills: God With Us by Jesus Culture

DailyPills: God With Us by Jesus Culture


Anchor Song: God With Us
Artist: Jesus Culture
URL: http://tinyurl.com/h95g4mu

When you hear people talk these days, there is often a sound of helplessness that comes forth. They don't seem to like some things going on around them, either in their family, class, politics, society, even relationship, yet they feel there is very little they can do to change it.

While going through my Bible the other day, I read a story that seems very similar to the experience described above, it's the story of the man named Gideon. Most of us know him a strong man and leader, but before that phase of his life, there was a phase where he felt helpless about the conditions around him.

When God first came to recruit Gideon, he was busy gathering the wheat they had harvested so that he could hide it from the Midianites, because they had the habit of coming to steal from the children of God. So when God called Gideon, saying "brave man, the Lord is with you", he replied; Judges 6:13 - Gideon responded, “Excuse me, sir! But if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are all the miracles our ancestors have told us about? Didn’t they say, ‘The Lord brought us out of Egypt?’ But now the Lord has abandoned us and has handed us over to Midian"[GW].

So, if you were to get a similar call from God, what would your response be? Would you let the challenges around define your value or would you have faith in what God has placed within you. We know Gideon's name today, because he responded to what has placed within him. Hence, it doesn't matter how it looks right now, what is within you is much greater than any challenge that might be around you. God Bless You!

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