Hearts and Crafts: DailyPills: God Of Promise by Richard Smallwood

DailyPills: God Of Promise by Richard Smallwood


Anchor Song: God Of Promise
Artist: Richard Smallwood
URL: http://tinyurl.com/h5su67u

If you get an offer to chose between several crates of eggs and a medium sized poultry full of chicken, which would you chose? I don't think there's a right a wrong answer to this, it depends on the individual. For me, I'd go for the poultry because it gives me opportunity to control two sides of the supply chain, production and distribution of eggs, amongst other things. Also, even if I lose all my eggs, I can get back in business as soon as possible.

Now, replace eggs and chicken with money and God respectively, which would you chose? Many Christians make it sound like money doesn't count, yet deep in our heart we all admire those wealthy people we know even if they are not so close to God. Also, has it crossed your mind that none of the fathers of faith that we mention in the Bible was poor?

Deuteronomy 8:18 says -but remember the Lord your God! It is he who gives you the power to become rich, keeping the agreement he promised to your ancestors, as it is today[NCV].

Therefore, it's obvious from this verse that God gives us the power to make wealth, but can wealth give us the power to make God? While wealth is good, if you chose to get it at all cost without putting God into consideration, then what happens to those areas where God can work, but money is powerless?

Please, chose God in all you do, when He gives you the power to get wealth, please don't waste it. God Bless You!

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