
DailyPills: All About You by Planetshakers


Anchor Song: All About You
Artist: Planetshakers
URL: http://tinyurl.com/pcv4c8v

Living right and doing the right things can seem like a wrong way of life when you are surrounded with people who pride themselves in living with wrong values. It can even get more discouraging when it is those you feel should know better that criticize you most and we are often tempted to ask, it is worth it? So if you have ever wondered why you should not join people in doing wrong,they appear to be getting more reward from doing wrong than you get from doing right, I have a proposition for you.

If you think about the story of Noah, you'd realize that he was dealing with this particular dilemma. The people in his age were so bad that it was recorded that God was "sorry" he made made. But right after he said that, God Himself spoke about the goodness in Noah and testified that there was none like him in that season. Can you imagine what would have happened if Noah had been so frustrated by the behavior of the people and his lack of recognition that he decided to join them?

Galatians 6:9 - And let us not get tired of doing what is right, for after a while we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t get discouraged and give up[TLB].

Therefore, just as Noah entered an eternal blessing because he refused to join the "bad gang" of his days, I beg you to please stand for God and do what is irrespective of the actions of the majority. If you will always stand up for God, I strongly believe he'd always show up for you. God Bless You!

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