
DailyPills: Brother by NeedToBreathe


Anchor Song: Brother
Artist: NeesToBreathe
URL: http://tinyurl.com/jowcn94

In this era that we are in, one of the things you will always find in excess is someone who needs encouragement.

While I was going through the list of songs nominated for the most inspirational song category at the Dove awards, I saw this song above and after listening to it, it reminded me of how important it is to be sensitive to the needs of people around you.

Again, I got even more convinced of the importance of the message in that song when I remembered a parable told by Jesus. Jesus, telling a story about  how God will reward in heaven said some people were surprised when God rewarded them for taking care of Him, feeding, clothing, and visiting Him when He, God needed help. Then those people asked God, when did we do all these things to you, and God replied in Matthew 25:40 - “The king will answer them, ‘I can guarantee this truth: Whatever you did for one of my brothers or sisters, no matter how unimportant ⌊they seemed⌋, you did for me'[GW].

Sometimes, you only need to pay attention to see that you can do something as simple as give a smile or an encouragement, something that would cost you nothing, but it would mean the world to the other person.

Do you want to meet God physically on a regular basis? Look around you, He is there somewhere, waiting for you HELP Him so He can release His good measure, press down, shaken together and running over blessing. God Bless You!

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