DailyPills: This Is The Time by Superchick


Anchor Song: This Is The Time
Artist: Superchick
URL: http://tinyurl.com/gkqe7vp
One of the things that baffled me when I went for the national youth service was this concept of "Nigeria waking up at 6am and going to bed by 6pm", the raising and lowering of the National flags by the quarter guards at those times. In this age and time, how can we set just 12hrs of the day as our productive moments? I don't know if the flags of other countries get raised and lowered at specific times on a daily basis, but I know I read one of the leaders of a particular country suggesting a 24hr work cycle to increase productivity. That means while some people are sleeping, others are working, and the cycle continues. That way, more people would be employed, and more money would be made since there is no downtime. I know that person is not a Christian, but do you know that plan of his is biblical?
Ecclesiastes 11:6 says - Get up early to sow your seed, and in the evening find worthwhile things to do, For you never know which will profit you— maybe this, maybe that, maybe both[VOICE]. I know this verse doesn't say we should work for 24hrs, but it says we should make every portion of the day productive. You know, it doesn't matter who applies a biblical principle, as long as the person does, it will work, so you better find principles to apply before others take your birth right. God Bless You!
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