
DailyPills: This God Is Too Good by Nathaniel Bassey


Anchor Song: This God Is Too Good
Artist: Nathaniel Bassey
URL: http://tinyurl.com/zffrsxc
If you cannot fly, run; if you can't run, walk; if you can't walk, crawl; whatever you do, don't stand still, keep moving - Dr. Tony Rapu.
My heart is filled with joy as "DailyPills" clocks 2yrs today, and I'm exceedingly grateful to God because it has been two years of learning and growing. Over and over I've been ask, "so how do you do it"? Answer: "it's God, not me".
Starting this musical devotional wasn't so hard, but after a while, I started missing some days because I didn't know what to say, I'd just conclude God had nothing to say that day. But while listening to Pst. Poju Oyemade, he advised that it's important to get a promise from God, a verse from the Bible showing God's commitment to anything you are doing, and you get this by first praying, asking God to show you, then read your Bible. Well, I asked God for a promise for DailyPills, and one day, while reading my Bible, I stumbled on a verse that describes DailyPills, and according to the verse, it will happen daily. From that day, even when I'm blank and don't feel I have anything to say, when I look into that verse, I know it's either God lied or I don't believe, and in no time, God delivers another Pill. Guess what, you can also get that promise, irrespective of your field or profession.
One of my favorite verses this year has to be Acts 17:27 - His purpose in all of this is that they should seek after God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him—though he is not far from any one of us[TLB]. I'm sure DailyPills has not reached it's full potential yet, but with every post, we are "feeling our way towards God". I hope you know you don't have to do what God desires perfectly, you just need to start, your perfection is a continuous process. Hence, as we celebrate 2yrs of God's faithfulness, I share a song that reflects how we feel at #DailyPills today. Happy Birthday DailyPills, God Bless You!
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