
DailyPills: Peace Of God by Tarralyn Ramsey


Anchor Song: Peace Of God
Artist: Tarralyn Ramsey
URL: http://tinyurl.com/hhx9bp4
If the Bible is the final authority on every matter, then how do you get answers to those things not explicitly mentioned in the Bible? For example, is it okay to have a "sidechick"[side-guy] aka back up plan,  when you are still dating, not yet married to someone? I'm sure the word "sidechick" can not be found in the Bible, so does that mean the Bible does not have answers to such questions?
You see, we all need to be conscious of the fact that the devil has a good knowledge of the Bible too, so he knows that things like fornication, adultery, covetousness, stealing, etc, have all been labelled as evil by the church world, so he looks for grey areas to exploit. God knew the devil would do this, so He gave you and I a spiritual "Google", giving answers to every of our questions, which is the job function of the Holy Spirit.
Remember, Jesus said the Holy Spirit would teach you all things. This means when you can't seem to find a clear cut answer from the Bible, ask the Holy Spirit, and guess what, He'd give you an answer, and in most cases, He'd do this using the same Bible - which is what is called Revelation. Paul told us how to identify the right things to do after we've prayed help/direction, Philippians 4:7 says - Then God’s peace, which goes beyond anything we can imagine, will guard your thoughts and emotions through Christ Jesus[GW]. Therefore, peace is our compass to following the will of God. After praying, if something doesn't give you inner peace, sinful or not, just stay away. Whatever you do, if you won't feel proud gisting Jesus about it if He comes right now, then just stay away. God Bless You!
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